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As cliché as it sounds, I woke up the other day and everything had changed. When I awoke that morning, I felt wrong, out of place and almost guilty. I feel like that I am not living up to my full potential. I think about where I see myself in five or ten years and I see myself stuck in Maine, doing nothing to make a difference in the world. I don’t like that image. I want to break free of the life style that I have become so accustomed to. I want to make a difference. I feel like a lot of people who are my age don’t feel that they have the power to change things, they don’t know what they are capable of. I believe that if young adults put their mind to it that they can accomplish anything.

Only a hundred years ago, young people were expected to do things that today are unimaginable. Young people were made to work in factories, and settle down at the age of sixteen or seventeen to raise a family. At that point in time you were considered an adult and given adult responsibilities. There was no teenager, no space between childhood and adulthood. I believe that even as a teenager, we are just as capable of doing the things that adults are. I want to go back to that mind set that I am capable of doing amazing things, the sort of things that no one at my age today is expected to do.

I believe that I can make a difference. I want to show the world,inspire the next generation in any way possible. My ultimate goal is to make films which are inspiration, which create new ideas into absolute art and knowledge. I want to provide opportunities to the actors struggling and have the capability to express their visions toward the world .I want to be that person who reaches the height of sky by my powers of imagination to make a difference.  More importantly, I try to satisfy my viewers who expect a i need more viewers to see my watch my films subscribe my channel and get updates ..


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